A Talk by Norman K. Dann: "The Underground Railroad in Central New York" - Saturday, October 21st
Please join us for a free, informative presentation on Saturday, October 21st, at 3:00 p.m. Norman K. Dann, Ph.D., will present a talk on The Underground Railroad in Central New York. As a process for achieving freedom, The Underground Railroad challenged the dominant morality of American culture in the nineteenth century. We will examine its hazards and benefits for those who used it either as escapees or stationmasters.
Norm graduated from Syracuse University in 1974 with a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. In 1999, he retired after 33 years on the faculty of the Social Sciences Department at Morrisville College in Central New York.
A resident of Peterboro, New York, Norm has dedicated his retirement to communicating the importance of local history regarding abolition. He is a member of the Peterboro-based Smithfield Community Association. He is a founding member of the National Abolition Hall of Fame and serves on its Cabinet of Freedom.

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P.O Box 340
New Woodstock, NY 13122