Zoom Book Club - November 2nd
The Zoom Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. If you prefer to participate in person, please do, and we will make it a hybrid event. E-mail Clara at clantz@midyork.org to receive the Zoom link. Even you have not read this month’s book, we would love to have you join us.
Here is a description of the book we will be discussing on November 2nd:
Non-fiction, history: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Covered with Night: A Story of Murder and Indigenous Justice in Early America by Nicole Eustace. This book brings to light the brutal assault of a Seneca hunter by a couple of colonial traders in Pennsylvania in 1722. It examines criminal investigations and cross-cultural negotiations. The title of the book comes from a Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) metaphor for mourning.

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2106 Main Street
P.O Box 340
New Woodstock, NY 13122